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Ewon Connectivity - Script Customization
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This instruction covers Customizing the Pani MQTT script running on the Ewon. 


There are several variables at the top of the script that allow for custom behaviour. It is recommended to contact Pani support prior to customizing any of these values.

Customize the Script

Use the Ewon GUI to customize the script.

1.1 Login

  1. Access the Ewon GUI by entering the IP address of the Ewon in a web browser. There can be up to 3 different IP addresses; LAN, WAN, and VPN. Which one you should use depends on your application and how you will connect. The default LAN IP address is
  2. Login to the GUI using your device’s credentials. The default username and password are both adm.

1.2 Backup

Before customizing the script it is recommended to backup the old script.

  1. Navigate to the Basic IDE at Setup > BASIC IDE.
  2. Click File > Export and save the old script with a unique name.


1.3 Thing Id and Device Id

Thing and device Id are both identifiers that are used to identify the source of the data once it is sent to Pani.

Thing Id is the only variable that must be configured. In most cases, all others can be left as default. Thing Id must match the filename of the private key and client certificate used by the Ewon. This is a unique identifier issued by the IoT infrastructure. Device Id is by default the same as Thing Id except for in some special cases.

1.4 Record Windows

Record Windows are used to restrict the time the Ewon records values. 

There are 2 windows available; A and B. By default; Window A is set to record values 24 hours a day, and Window B is disabled. To modify the windows, change the time of the Begin or End variables to correspond to the times that the Ewon should be active within.

WARNING: Be aware the times are expressed in the UTC timezone.

1.5 Tag Groups

There are 4 Tag Groups available to be assigned to tags. By default, the Ewon will record tags from all groups. If there are tags in the Ewon that are not to be recorded and published to Pani, they can be assigned to a specific group and turned off here by setting the variable to 0.

1.6 Publish Time

Publish Time is the period of time at which the Ewon will publish the recordings to Pani’s server. It is expressed in seconds and the default is 60. This value should remain as 60 unless directed otherwise by Pani.

1.7 Record Times

Record Times are the period of time at which the Ewon will read from the tags and record the value. It may be desirable to have a window of time where tag recording is faster or slower than normal. There are two windows available; A and B. By default A is set to 60 seconds and B is disabled.

To enable window B, set the Begin and End variables to times in a 24 hour clock format. While within the time window the Ewon will use Time B to make recordings.

WARNING: Be aware the times are expressed in the UTC timezone.

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